Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bad Water 11

So I have a deadline now, and as you can see in the image below I have a long way to go on this thing. The last weekend in September, on the 29th or 30th I'm delivering work to Higher Grounds coffee shop in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Details coming soon.

What's more important is that I would like to have this painting finished (and dry) for this hang, which means it needs to be done by the 28th. To give you an idea of how daunting of a task that is, consider that this painting is on part 11. That means I've done 11 sittings, or studio sessions worth of work on it. The last time I did a step-by-step blogging of a painting was for Xanadu, which took 43 sittings to complete. Two weeks, 32 more sittings to go?

Xanadu was far more complicated and involved than this piece, and I anticipate its about 2/3 the work, but still I'm gonna have to do a lot better than the lame 1 hr sitting I just did tonight. But I love deadlines. They're an excuse to not sleep and be really moody and introspective.

What's most important is that this hang will be the public debut of After The Occupation, which I expect will incite bidding wars, maybe even riots complete with rubber bullets and tear gas, as I anticipate rave reviews and complete public hysteria over what I consider to be one of my best works to date.

I'm exaggerating a little, but I'm happy to get that one out of my house and in front of strangers. I'll be even happier if the painting below tentatively called Bad Water can get it self done in time. Take a look and let me know how much more you think I need to do on it....

Bad Water, 30" x 48", oil on canvas, ain't done yet...

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